
1/25/2012 bear and rabbit are finished for the Guild of Master Bearcrafters Challenge.  Bunny was fun to make from Boucle Wool.  She is on eBay.  We are in the middle of winter here in Ohio but at least it is not snowing every day.  Gloomy and dull most days but we all have to make our own sunshine.  I hope to spend some time with family this week and enjoy a few hours relaxing. For today I am working on another bunny and then back to orders.  Have a great day! 


Yankee Doodle

Just have to share this great old elephant I bought at The Boston Road Collection yesterday.  I made the Yankee Doodle doll with a clay face and shoes and he looks great sitting on top of the old guy.  I bought the Shriners Circus cap a long time ago and was just waiting to find the right place to put it.  So sweet they all look!  Thank you Brenda for always having the best things in your shop!

Krystal The Mohair Boston Terrier Puppy


I finished the orders and creations I have been working on. This is Buck Wheat, Snoopy and Murphy.  They will be traveling to The Boston Road Collection this week. 
This is my baby Bailey.


Working on orders this week.  Wonderful mohair to work with and I am happy to be sewing.  I have so many new things in my head this week and hope I can finish the orders before I can't help myself from getting the things out of my head and into another creation.  We have a new challenge for The Guild Of Master Bearcrafters and it will be exciting to get my ideas into the materials I plan to use. 


Caroline ~ Mohair Bear

I finished Caroline the Mohair Bear Make-a-do just in time to receive the mohair I have been waiting for to start my orders. 

Looking back at winter!

Looking back at winter!
Beautiful February Snow

Good Morning!

Good Morning!

CoCoMo Joe and CoCoMo Dakota Joe

CoCoMo Joe and CoCoMo Dakota Joe

Flag Counter

free counters

Good Friday Morning From My Back Yard!

Good Friday Morning From My Back Yard!

Marcella and Kristina

Marcella and Kristina

Guilford Lake

Guilford Lake

Beautiful Full Moon

Beautiful Full Moon
Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

My Flower Garden


"Friendship isn't about whom you have known the longest. It's about those who came and never left your side."

Marcella and Kristina

Marcella and Kristina



