

Good Morning from Ohio the end of June!  This is a view of my flower garden this morning.  The blue berries were looking so nice but the birds are eating them and the black berries.  I was definitely having dreams of black berry dumplings.  Our vegetable garden behind the scare crow is growing and I need to pull the beets and get them canned today.  Where did this month go?  We have had a beautiful spring and summer! This morning at 5 am I looked out to see not a cloud in the sky again.  A bit chilly for Bailey boy when he stepped outside but it was beautiful!  God truly blesses us every day.  I am busy finishing orders.  Now that we have our house for sale there is always that possibility that a call will come and someone wants to look so I cannot be my regular crazy messy where I pull out bins of materials to see what my creations will decide they want to wear.  I do want them to be happy with their attire and they always win.  Especially when I work for a day making a dress and they don't like it.  Oh then it is off to the drawing board again to use the material they decided on.  Bears can be tempermental!  We have had a good time looking at places we might want to live the last couple of weeks.  Some are a definite "NO" when we walk in the door and others I fall in love with.  Time will tell and as always God has to lead us where he wants us.  My decisions without His approval lead me into trouble. 


  1. Your garden is a picture...just beautiful, Carol. There is little better than a garden for raising the spirits! We've hardly had a dry day since they declared a drought order weeks ago! All the same, I am overrun with cucumbers from the greenhouse and am picking raspberries every day now. I haven't had any blueberries this year so far...not sure if we'll get any. The birds are helping themselves to my redcurrents and cherries. We have a squirrel that has taken up residence in the garden. He ate all my cobnuts (a kind of hazel nut) last year, so am not hoping for much this year! All the damp weather is wreaking havoc with my apples and pears - scab is a problem we haven't had before! I guess it's win some and lose some. The tomatoes, runner beans and French beans seem to be coming along OK.

    I don't envy you needing to keep the house tidy in case of prospective house purchasers. Thank goodness my sewing is limited to one room and I can shut the door without feeling too much guilt (although I did keep the workroom curtains closed while the roofers were on the scaffolding - so I guess there was some guilt!)

    All the very best


  2. Thank you Sue! You are an inspiration!



Looking back at winter!

Looking back at winter!
Beautiful February Snow

Good Morning!

Good Morning!

CoCoMo Joe and CoCoMo Dakota Joe

CoCoMo Joe and CoCoMo Dakota Joe

Flag Counter

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Marcella and Kristina

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Guilford Lake

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Beautiful Full Moon
Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

My Flower Garden


"Friendship isn't about whom you have known the longest. It's about those who came and never left your side."

Marcella and Kristina

Marcella and Kristina



