

Beautiful Fall Morning

It has quickly turned cold at night but it is September and fall is in the air.  Beautiful sunny days and chilly nights.  Looks like I will need to add a winter blanket soon.  Cleaned the house this morning and will be off to last minute preparations soon.  Mr. P. and and I are having a garage sale this weekend.  Oh I do not like them but we have been clearing out our house and hope to sell it soon so we must get rid of what we don't need.  No more antiques and prims everywhere.  There are a few left but I decided to de-clutter the house.  Worked in every room except my sewing room so far and there are bins of things I kept that I will have to decide later what to keep and what to disgard.  I hope to tackle my sewing room in the next week.  It will be a long week of tearing off wall paper and painting, cleaning out my craft and sewing closet, maybe...just maybe re-upholstering the love seat, clearing off and cleaning out.  This has to be done anyway so now is the time!  I finished Louise the Mohair Halloween Bear and she will be on her way to California.  When Mr. P. returns from work today I hope he can man the garage sale so I can cut out a new bear.  I hope everyone is enjoying their week!  Bear hugs to you!


1 comment:

  1. Louise is lovely! She looks like she has been into the honey! Too cute!


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