

Looking for Spring!

Happy Friday!  It has been cold this week and I am looking forward to warmer weather and SPRING.   I worked on Magdalena and will be taking her to The Boston Road Collection.  She was a fun puppy to make.  She reminds me of my grand puppy Walter who is a Boston Terrier.  He is so sweet.  I still have painting to do and when I am sewing I think I should be painting, cleaning out the basement or garage, and there are still boxes to open.   I can't imagine it but the other house did have two more rooms than this one does.  Now they are here with no place to put them.  I could make more shelves and cupboards to hold them.  I don't want to make my boys think I have too much junk so I will hold back and limit my "junk" as they call it.    My mother is like my boys and has minimal decor.  She throws everything away!  My father was from Kentucky and oh did he love to keep everything!  He would always hide it in the attic of the garage from my mother as he whispered, "You never know when you might need this little ditty."  He did have his "little ditty bag" he called it and had pictures of my boys and other things that made him feel good when he looked through it.  Off limits to my mother as she thought it was his inhaler he had in there.  So when she tells me I have too much "junk" I always tell her to think how I feel when I have two people fighting inside.  One telling me to get rid of everything and the other saying I might need that some day.  Fred just smiles and tells me I work hard to keep the house looking good.  He is the smartest man I know!  He learned that strategy almost 23 years ago.  Have a great weekend!


  1. Gorgeous pooch! ...and Spring can't come soon enough for me!!!


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