


Old Man Winter has hit us this month in old Ohio!  It has been FRIGID!  -9 with wind chills of -20 to -30 degrees!  Seems like the old guy doesn't want to let his hold on us slip too much!   The same is coming back and it will hit us with more below zero temperatures.  I usually don't say too much about winter since there really isn't much you can do but complain and pray.  This month of January has been very difficult.  Time to think SPRING!  I am feeling like everything is dreary and most days are without the SUN!  I do still have two Christmas trees up and light them every day.  They always make me smile every morning.  While taking down the other decorations I replaced them with Valentines and Easter.  So now we have Christmas/Valentine/Easter decorations.  Who cares what others think is my new motto.  I love the lights and when Christmas is over it always seems like the plug has been pulled and we are in for the long dullness of the gray winter.  Maybe in a few weeks the trees will be retired until next Christmas!  Time flies!  I do love the holidays and it is a bit depressing after they are all over.  I always work for Christmas 12 months out of the year!  I miss Christmas!   I have been working on two bears and a pup and am cutting out a giraffe for an order and a bunny.  I really need to finish up something!  With a lot of other things to take my time and mind away I have to get the fur to cooperate this week.  I hope you have a wonderful week and enjoy every minute of life!  Think Spring!  (Sorry I cannot upload pictures again to my blog)


  1. Two bears, a puppy and a bunny? Oh...I better start saving my pennies! Can't wait to see them.

    I guess that's the one good thing about winter for us creative people; it's perfect stay-inside-and-make-stuff weather. :)

    1. Hi Stacey! Hope you are staying warm with your family! Take care!

  2. I am thinking Autumn so it is cooler. I think you could start a zoo, two bears, a pup, a giraffe and a bunny..... Wow. I hope you feel some warmth soon.
    Hugs kay

    1. Hi Kay: Autumn would be great! It is a little warmer here this morning at 9 degrees. I hope that is NOT the high for the day. Hope you are staying warm and making a lot of your wonderful creations! Bear hugs to you!


Looking back at winter!

Looking back at winter!
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"Friendship isn't about whom you have known the longest. It's about those who came and never left your side."

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