

May has been a whirl of weather!

We are in the middle of May already and what a whirl it has been.  Cold, warm, HOT and this morning back at 35 degrees with a heavy frost on the ground and foggy.  Beautiful!  Love to take pictures first thing every morning.  Pink in the sky with that sliver of a moon through the fog over the lake with a heavy frost covering everything!  Whew!  Top every day off with a fantastic sun set and you have to fill in the blanks in between.  Some one ask me the other day if I ever put my camera down.  I guess I always have it with me.  You never know when you are going to have one of those brief moments that would make a perfect picture.  I have plenty of those!  Love my camera!  Mr. P. always laughs when I run off with my camera shouting, "Better get a picture of THAT!"  Poor man!  He does witness a lot of my crazy moments but he enjoys it.  This month has flown by and WOW it has been a busy month so far.  Mr. P. and I had a wonderful 25th anniversary.  He sure spoils me and I do try to spoil him rotten!  Love him more every day and I plan to keep it up for another 25 at least.  I hope everyone is enjoying spring and warm weather.  The summer will fly by so plan to enjoy every moment God gives with a long breath grabbing on to every chirp of the bird and sun rise you can until the sun goes down in the evening and your head is spinning on your pillow from all the beautiful things you have consumed. Love you all!

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