

Happy New Year!!!

Hoping for the Happiest New Year 2017!  The past year was a very busy year and Fred and I enjoyed it!  Fred continues to be busy in the work shop making his farm tables and hall tables.  I wish I could keep them all but most are orders so it's hands off for me.  I have been working on so many creations and doing wood working too.  Last week I made a primitive blanket table and a few weeks ago I made a very large prim shelf for my oil lamps.  Wood working is really relaxing to me.  Thinking about my grandfather making tables and being right by his side in his work shop were my favorite memories.  It always amazes me that I can take a piece of wood and decide what I want to make out of it mostly out of necessity, draw my pattern, use the saws to cut it out, screw or nail it and a wonderful piece of furniture is ready to paint.  Amazing!  It is the same with material.  It is magical to have a piece of fur or fabric and with my imagination and some work that piece of material can be most anything I want it to be.  Magic!  We have also enjoyed a magical time with our family through the holidays and I cherish every time I can enjoy with them.  Thanksgiving, 5 birthdays in our immediate family, Christmas and New Year's Eve with a lot of great times and great food!  The amazing Mr. Richard Backschas wrote another 3 page article in the German magazine Bar Report on me and my bears... Puddie Pie Primitives.  Go to  if you would like to see the 3 page article.  Sorry I do not have it available in English.  A big "Thank You" to Richard!  I appreciate everything he writes!  Now we will be back to work creating for the new year and it will be great working together with Mr. P. as always.  I hope you all enjoyed the holidays and will have the most wonderful new year!  Happy New Year!  Love you all!


  1. That is wonderful, Carol! Congratulations! I will head over to read the article! :)

  2. Thank you so much Stacey! Happy New Year to you!


Looking back at winter!

Looking back at winter!
Beautiful February Snow

Good Morning!

Good Morning!

CoCoMo Joe and CoCoMo Dakota Joe

CoCoMo Joe and CoCoMo Dakota Joe

Flag Counter

free counters

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Marcella and Kristina

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Guilford Lake

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Beautiful Full Moon

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My Flower Garden


"Friendship isn't about whom you have known the longest. It's about those who came and never left your side."

Marcella and Kristina

Marcella and Kristina



