

Every day on this side of the grass is a great day!  Amazing thinking back on stages of life and what is important.  I guess it does take some maturity to realize what is most important in life.  Looking back I would not want to be young again.  I  have tried to always think things out but that doesn't always work either. Maybe I think too much for my own good and analyze every aspect.  Looking back at photos last week at my mum's house made me realize what do we really know about people we are suppose to be the closest to?  Strange thinking I guess.  I was always a happy child  and mostly through life I cherish every moment I am given with my family and friends.  I didn't realize we were so poor growing up at that time.  My parents did what they could to feed us and give us the necessities.  I never remember my dad being well but he didn't let that stop him from working every day.  He never missed a day of work.  I remember him waking me up for school at 5:45 every morning.  I would say after a few attempts I didn't feel well.  He would always say, "Get up and get ready.  You will feel better after you get there."  I would always grumble in my mind and think, "NOT really!"  The best part of the day was putting on the dress I had just made and fixing my hair.  If I could have had an all day art class I would have loved school.  I did like Home Economics class but we were not challenged to make our own dress patterns or come up with our own recipes.  I was already making clothes from my own designs by that time so I was bored.  I quickly learned to take what I was given and be happy for it.  I have a wonderful family and have been so lucky to have them in my life.  There are a few who are very questionable and I try to avoid them after many lessons realizing I cannot heal their sad soul.  I cannot stand dramma and that is what some people live for.  I feel I must "fix" everyone who is broken and that is not possible.  Some people glory in dramma and being sad or wanting to be unhappy about everything! They are content to be unhappy and draw you into their web of constant hatred.   Some people are not happy by nature.  Their personality does not allow for happiness.  I  would rather stop and smell the roses and glory in the flowers in our life that God has given us.  He gives every day without ceasing!  We cannot change the past but should strive to be loving, kind, humble and more like Christ for the future.  I am thankful for my family and wonderful friends.  I am very thankful for my abilities and talents.  I could clear a room if I tried to sing but I have been blessed with other talents I cherish.  I whistle all the time and that fills my being with thoughts of my dear Uncle John and hearing his beautiful melodies float through the air.  I remember from a very early age hearing him whistle.  He always filled my life with great memories and I still can see him in the garden working and hear him whistle beautiful tunes.   My intent is to always make others happy.  Put a whistle in your heart and spread God's love above all else.


  1. Hi Carol

    Lovely, articulate sentiments and an a joyful view of life that comes from years of learning from experience!



  2. Sweet Carol, thank you for sharing. Choosing to be joyful and have a merry heart is so important. I am glad God reminds us of it in His Word. Sometimes the people or circumstances of life bog us down and squash our happiness, but the reminders to choose joy help a lot. Thank you for your reminder. A merry heart doeth good like a medicine, but a broken spirit drieth the bones (Proverbs 17:22).


Looking back at winter!

Looking back at winter!
Beautiful February Snow

Good Morning!

Good Morning!

CoCoMo Joe and CoCoMo Dakota Joe

CoCoMo Joe and CoCoMo Dakota Joe

Flag Counter

free counters

Good Friday Morning From My Back Yard!

Good Friday Morning From My Back Yard!

Marcella and Kristina

Marcella and Kristina

Guilford Lake

Guilford Lake

Beautiful Full Moon

Beautiful Full Moon
Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

My Flower Garden


"Friendship isn't about whom you have known the longest. It's about those who came and never left your side."

Marcella and Kristina

Marcella and Kristina



