

Fall Is In The Air~

What a beautiful wonderful week!  I have a heavy heart this morning thinking about the people who merely exist and have no joy.  Sad that people become stagnant and without joy for anything.  They are satisfied to be deaf and blind to humanity, bored with life.  Maybe they have always been that way it seems.  "If you have used a PERFECT day in a perfectly useless manner, YOU have learned NOTHING."  That is sad.  We should use every day God gives us to his glory.  The weather is so nice and it is starting to look and smell like fall.  There is nothing like the crisp smell in the air this time of year.  We canned more tomatoes this week and I think that is the end of canning from our garden this year.  I will continue to share what remains.  I always amazes me the beauty of everything around us.  If you truly look at even a tiny moth there is always beauty to behold.  So perfectly amazing!  Even the old dried out shrub that I removed the other day was beautiful in it's own way.  I hope you have a wonderful sweet day full of beautiful surprises.  This is the elephant I finished yesterday and listed on eBay.  Her name is Evette.       Evette eBay link:  Adopted


  1. wat een mooie dingen maak je ,mooie stijl . groetjes thea

  2. Hi Evette you are so sweety!!! i love the elephants.have a nice day.big hugs.


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