


Hope everyone is enjoying their fall days.  My mind is not ready to give up summer yet but nevertheless fall is here.  We have had beautiful sunny hot days!  I continue to work on our house and with Blake and Mindy still needing some help with their new house I have been super busy!  Everywhere I look it seems there is something that needs to be done or finished or started or whatever stage it is in.  I am working on an order for an elephant Ella Jean and a Boston Terrier Maggie Mae and hope to have them finished by the weekend.  I have so many things whirling around in my mind that I want to do!  There is never enough time and as we get older I wonder if I will ever finish some of the things I still want to do.  Funny how life is.  I know I can be so busy I don't know where to begin and my son will call and say he has a day off can we spend it together and I drop everything.  That is most important.  Won't be long until the baby is here and I will be watching him or her two days a week.  So now is the time to finish some things and maybe start a few too.  I hope you have great blessings and enjoy every minute of life!  Don't forget to stop and smell the roses too!


  1. I love this photo...and can really identify with the 'many things whirling in my head'! and dropping everything to spend time with a beloved son!

  2. Thank you Sue! You are always too sweet!


Looking back at winter!

Looking back at winter!
Beautiful February Snow

Good Morning!

Good Morning!

CoCoMo Joe and CoCoMo Dakota Joe

CoCoMo Joe and CoCoMo Dakota Joe

Flag Counter

free counters

Good Friday Morning From My Back Yard!

Good Friday Morning From My Back Yard!

Marcella and Kristina

Marcella and Kristina

Guilford Lake

Guilford Lake

Beautiful Full Moon

Beautiful Full Moon
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My Flower Garden


"Friendship isn't about whom you have known the longest. It's about those who came and never left your side."

Marcella and Kristina

Marcella and Kristina



