

Old Man Winter is still hitting us hard!!!!

More snow and low temperatures in store for us.  This weekend mostly was a white out.  Saturday the snow kept coming all day and there were times I could not see the road in front of our house.  The usual six deer ran down by the lake as it was nearing darkness and they were not wasting any time.  I do hope they can find some food in the fields.  I would love to get a truck load of corn and make sure they have a full tummy every day.  Poor things.  They come and eat the berries on the tree by the house every night and that is fine with me.  I have been working on 5 animals and slowly are finishing them one at a time.  I hope you had a wonderful weekend and stayed warm and cozy.  Have a nice week! 
I finished Amelia and she is on EBay: 


  1. Sounds like weather to be inside and sewing. Love your bear on Ebay.

    1. The weather has been "frightful" to put it mildly! I hope your weather has been good. Thank you so much for your kind words. Love your bears!
      Bear hugs,

  2. I admit, I am jealous of your snow! I know it can be a real pain when it comes to traveling, but here in Kansas we've only seen maybe 3-4" of snow all winter. The kids are so's just gray and cold here. Would love to see just one good blizzard before spring! I'm a Michigan girl, after all.

    I love Amelia! And I can't wait to see the others you have been working on. :)

  3. Thank you Stacey! The snow never seems to stop here this winter. This morning we have minus 9 and it is cold!! I am so thankful we are not have a lot of wind as it would be worse. Hope you get your blizzard before spring! Give the kids a hug for me! ~Carol


Looking back at winter!

Looking back at winter!
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Good Morning!

Good Morning!

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Flag Counter

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"Friendship isn't about whom you have known the longest. It's about those who came and never left your side."

Marcella and Kristina

Marcella and Kristina



