

April and it is looking like SPRING!

Wow!  Finally the flowers are coming up and it is looking like spring.  The sunshine sure warms our hearts.  Beautiful!  Busy as usual here and getting more busy as time goes by.  I love my little Nolan and he is the sweetest little bundle of pure joy and smiles.  He is always smiling and loves to be kissed and cuddled by Granny.  Watching him is a great pleasure.  I have been busy with orders and keeping up with my grandson, mother and other things.  NO time to dilly dally!  I will be making some treasures for Chagrin Valley Antiques in the near future and I hope the mohair arrives soon.  I finished Elouise, Axel and Annabella and they are waiting on their forever home at the antique shop now.  I still have other obligations I have made making and selling my creations.  It sure keeps me hopping and that is good.  I do admit with the sun popping up now I am feeling the need to get outside and work on a few projects for summer.  I plan to make a  new patio on the side of the house, a gazebo roof over the basement doorway, a raised garden, two more fences and a flower garden near the new patio complete with a scarecrow like the one I made at the other house.  Painting the deck will not be as much fun but fun when it is finished.  I still think Miss Kitty should learn to sew.  She could whip up a few CATastrophes if nothing else.  I always ask her every morning if she wants to go outside and she will say, "Yeah" but she says that to everything.  I think she is just waiting until she can go outside and lounge around.  She will go out for a little while but pops right back inside to her comfortable fur blanket inside her fur bed on top of her love seat.  She is Queen Cataberious! Her royal name but she also has a few others.  Have a wonderful month of April and enjoy every minute God gives us! 


  1. I am a Granny as well and I just know how much love and pleasure those little ones can bring. Enjoy every minute. Your garden projects sound quite large????? Good luck and enjoy Spring.
    Hugs Kay

  2. Thank you Kay! I hope you are having a great week! Love your bears!
    Bear hugs to you,


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